Zlatibor district very interested in programs of adaptation to climate change in Serbia – a large number of participants exchanged experiences and analyzed necessary measures
The two-day workshop organized by UNDP on Zlatibor on December 8 and 9 have shown that the challenges that accompany climate change are important and that the measures proposed are under the watchful eye of the professional public. Domestic experts, as well as representatives of local governments and bodies dealing with climate change, analyzed papers on climate change and how they can be applied to the sectors of agriculture, water management, energy and infrastructure. In addition to the participants who followed the gathering in the hall, the event was followed by numerous participants from other cities in Serbia via the zoom platform.
At the fifth gathering, which was organized after Belgrade, Nis, Kragujevac and Vrdnik, most attention was paid to activities carried out with national professional, research and scientific institutions, as well as measures aimed at reducing the risk of disasters and natural disasters.
With prevention and adaptation measures based on experiences, good practices and lessons learned at the local government level, the gathering on Zlatibor once again showed how necessary it is to constantly seek the best solutions and to involve all representatives of relevant public companies, agricultural professional services, teachers in agricultural and construction schools, as well as representatives of non-governmental organizations and the private sector.
Attached are presentations from the trainings:
First day of training 8.12.2021.
Potencijal i mogućnosti navodnjavanja u poljoprivredi
Prilagođavanje sektora stočarstva klimatskim promenama
Uticaj klimatskih promena i mere adaptacije u ratarstvu
Uticaj klimatskih promena i mere adaptacije u vinogradarstvu
Uticaj klimatskih promena i mere adaptacije u voćarstvu
Uticaj klimatskih promena na livade i pašnjake i mere adaptacije
Drugi dan
Monitoring, izveštavanje i verifikacija (MRV)
Uticaj klimatskih promena i mere adaptacije od značaja za putnu infrastrukturu