The first training on the topic of adaptation to climate change within the NAP project

In Belgrade, October 19 and 20, 2021. the first two-day training within the project “Advancing medium and long-term adaptation planning in the Republic of Serbia – NAP project” was held at the Metropol Hotel, implemented by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and water management and with the financial support of the Green Climate Fund (GCF). The training entitled “Strengthening the institutional capacity for adaptation to climate change” has gathered over 100 participants, including participants present through the zoom platform.

Just before the start of the training, 19.10.2021., a meeting of members of the Working Group within the NAP project was held. During the meeting information on achieved results and planned activities within the project was presented. At the very beginning of the meeting, the participants were greeted by Igor Grabež on behalf of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, and on behalf of UNDP the speakers were: Tatjana Strahinjić Nikolić, Deputy Team of Leaders for Vital Development, Miroslav Tadić, Program Analyst for Environment and Climate Change. Zorica Korać, portfolio manager, presented the NAP project, achieved results and planned activities, while Danijela Božanić, technical advisor on the project, presented the content of the Climate Change Adaptation Program, as a public policy document.

On the first day of the training, the experts, Ana Vuković Vimić and Mirjam Vujadinović Mandić, from the Faculty of Agriculture, presented the observed and expected climate changes, while Professor Vladimir Đurđević, from the Institute of Meteorology, University of Belgrade, presented the NAP web platform to support adaptation planning. At the very end, lecturers Aleksa Lipovac, Dejan Đurović, Željko Dolijanović, Aleksandar Simić, Dragan Stanojević, Marija Ćosić and Zorica Ranković Vasić, from the Faculty of Agriculture in Belgrade, presented the impact of climate change and adaptation measures in the agricultural sector.

The second day of the training began with a presentation by Danijela Božanić, an expert in the field of climate change and technical advisor on the project, who presented the impact of climate change and adaptation measures in the energy sector. Professor Goran Mladenović from the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Belgrade then presented the impact of climate change and adaptation measures important for road infrastructure, while Zdravko Maksimović, head of the Department of Civil Protection, in City of Kraljevo, spoke on climate change and disaster risk reduction.

Along with the trainings, workshops for journalists continued, that this time had the opportunity to hear more about the impact of climate change on each of the sectors and adaptation measures, as well as to ask questions and discuss with experts on climate change. The aim of the workshop is to engage media representatives in raising awareness of the general public about climate change and the need to adapt to changing climate conditions, as well as networking,  for future cooperation, between media representatives and experts in the field of climate change.

Attached are presentations from the trainings:

First day of training 19.10.2021.

Osmotrene I buduće promene klime

Uticaj klimatskih promena I mere adaptacije u sektoru poljoprivrede

Second day of training 20.10.2021.

Uticaj promene klime na proizvodnju energije

Uticaj promene klime I mere adaptacije na putnu infrastrukturu

Klimatske promene I smanjenje rizika od katastrofa
